Scaling & DerivativesYou know, one of the issues with recorded classes is that people don't bother to show up to class! I swear, on the first day of class, there were a lot more people sitting here than there are today. I don't blame them; it's super convenient to view lectures on your own time… ‘‘Did I make some comment about not getting paid?’’ Today we'll do some more derivations about properties of the Fourier transform. Just like last time, we'll talk about the sort of logic behind these sort of arguments; and again, we'll leave the rigor police off-duty. Properties of F.T.LinearityThe F.T. is a linear transformation; that is, the F.T. of a sum is the sum of the F.T.; and if you multiply a function by a constant, it's that same constant times the F.T>. The whole point of this princple of superposition is that if you can write a system as a sum of different components, you can just sum of the F.T. of each of the parts. Life is really nice when things are linear. Now this is a sort of property we take for granted. The more interesting property is the Shift theorem. The Shift theromWhat happens to the F.T. if the time is delayed by constant We want to find the fourier transfrom of ![]() Notational note
there's a problem with notation here! We mean the ‘‘fourier transform of the shifted function’’, but on the LHS we're also evaluating the F.T.'s function at the point To evaluate the integral here, we do a change of variables (as usual) to The net result of the shifting operation is that we end up with a phase shift in the spectrum. ![]() Often, we'll hear this said as ‘‘a time shift in time corresponds to a phase shift in spectrum’’.
Stretch theorem or Similarity theoremNow the question is, ‘‘what happens when you take the Fourier transform of a stretched sigal’’, To figure this out, we do the same thing. Again, we switch our variable of integration to
If we take ![]() The subtle thing here is what happens when ![]() with a minus sign! And to combine the two cases into one equation, we put an absolute value around the a outside the Fourier transform. There's a number of comments to make here:
This means that… Stretching and squeezing
The consequence is that you can't have a function that's concentrated both in time and in frequency! If you try to squeeze it in the time domain, you stretch it in the freq domain, and vice versa if you try the other way.
Philosophically, the stretching theorem tells us a pretty important property of Fourier Transforms: You can't squeeze a function in both the time domain and the frequency domain. As a side note, in higher dimensions, the generalization of the scaling theorem leads to a more general idea of what a reciprocal means.
Some examplesThen we went through a few examples to gain some intution. These examples look much better with actual graphs to stare at, but the best I can do is to describe in words what we did in calss. The square wave.Remember that the FT of the square wave is the sinc function which was defined as
![]() ‘‘Not hard, but you've got to get it in your gut!’’ The Derivative TheoremThis is true magic! It's not clear at all that the Fourier Transform has anything to do with derivatives!! But remarkably, something magical happens when you mix in differentiation and Fourier transforming. Fir'st let's consider what happens when you take the derivative of the FT of a function. What is
![]() Multiplication by time corresponds to differentian in frequency domain! The dual statementIf we ask a similar but related question, we end up with a nice symmetric result as well. Instead of finding the derivative of the Fourier Transfrom, this time we want to find the FT of a derivative This time, the ‘‘proof’’ had a sort of different flavor, where we first wrote the derivative in terms of a difference quotient (from the first few weeks of calculus class) and then plugged that into the Fourier transform.
![]() Wow! The fourier transform can turn derivatives into multiplication!
And remember, there's no reason a priori to expect the Fourier transform – which isa complicated operation – to turn multiplication into derivatives – which are also another complicated operation! This is a quite magical relationship. And we'll put it to good use soon. |