Jeffjar’s Notes on Biochemistry
How do cells work? How does life-like behavior emerge out of the wigglings and jigglings of floppy molecules? Biochemistry tells the remarkable story of how life is created out of the hard laws of physics – often in crafty, surprising, and beautiful ways.
I’m writing up a few notes on biochemistry for a number of reasons:
- to share my fascination of Nature’s inner workings.
- to practice clear scientific writing.
- to refresh and solidify my own understanding of biochemistry.
- to put out my own physicsy viewpoint of biochem.
My traget audience will be a younger version of myself who’s just at the brink of learning biochemistry. (Writing for a mini-jeffjar will also let my own scientific voice shine through!) Back then, I had a cursory knowledge of statistical mechanics, and I could recognize basic organic molecules, but not much more. So in these notes, I’ll include any relevant background beyond introductory physics and organic chemistry.
I hope you enjoy these notes!Outline
- Statistical Mechanics governs what life can do and cannot do.
- Fundamental assumptions about equilibrium and entropy
- Describing subsystems using the Boltzmann factor and free energy
- The equipartition theorem explains temperature
- Chemical potential
- Diffusion and fluctuations
- Proteins are the building blocks of cellular machines.
- Amino acid chemistry
- 1,2,3,4 structure and “the folding question”
- Lengthscales and timescales. Dynamics, energetics, etc.
- Experimental techniques. X-ray crystallography
- Cellular structure
- Motivation: What are the parts of the puzzle?
- Central dogma, cellular components. Basic lengthscales/timescales.
- DNA/RNA structure and function. Physical properties, free energy challenges.
- Lipid physical chemistry.
- “Macromolecular crowding” and the cellular interior.
- Enzymology
- Motivation: How does biology do chemistry?
- Michaelis-Menten kinetics (phenomenology).
- Bells’n’whistles: inhibition, multi-step, multi-substrate, cooperativity, etc.
- P.chem theories of catalysis.
- Philosophy of “switching ensembles” and the 2nd law?
- Examples of types of possible reactions. Co-factors.
- Metabolism
- Motivation: What exact chemistry underlies bioenergetics?
- Macro-scale catabolism/anabolism, extracting free energy from food.
- Themes of small chemical steps, specificity, regulation, localization, Delta-G coupling
- The canonical pathway: glycolysis/citric acid cycle/respiration. Redox chem, #’s.
- Glycolysis. G6P to keep inside cell. Regulation.
- Citric Acid Cycle. PDH as “quinary structure”. Ridiculous interior of mitochondria.
- Respiration. ATP synthase as a free-energy-couple.
- More Metabolism
- Motivation: Get a better sense of how Nature makes other things.
- Nucleobase biosynthesis
- Amino acid metabolism, the “ammonia problem”.
- Beta-oxidation, impossible chemistry.
- Gluconeogenesis and glycogen.
- Signalling
- GPCRs, cascades, amplification, cross-talk, timescales, logic, etc...
- Transcription and Translation
- What happens inside DNA polymerases and ribosomes
- Kinetic proofreading; bounds on accuracy, speed, energy usage.