The Boltzmann Factor and Free Energy
- Motivation: Now that we know closed systems evolve towards equilibrium states that maximize entropy, we want to make more concrete predictions. An interesting question is how subsystems of a thermodynamic system behave
- Examples of subsystems: a particular protein flopping around over time inside a cell. A particular chemical species in a reaction. An ion on inside vs outside of a membrane.
- Main idea: maximizing entropy is equivalent to minimizing free energy and the boltzmann distribution.
Heat Baths
- We idealize the surroundings of the subsystem as a "heat bath"
- Philosophical points about the subsystem/surroundings split
Deriving the Boltzmann Factor
- Subsystems immersed in heat baths can exchange energy with their environment, so sometimes they will have more energy and sometimes less.
- We know the distribution over the whole system, but what if we "condition" and restrict to the subsystem?
- Qusestion: If we watch this subsystem over long time, what fraction of the time will it be in a particular microstate?
- Answer: \(Pr[\textrm{Microstate with energy }E] \propto e^{-E/kT}\), where kT is the temperature.
- Experimental bands in vibrational spectra? Simulations?
The Free Energy
- Natural generalization of Boltzmann factor that takes multiplicity into account
- Two terms, energetic and entropic. Interpret properly and give intuition. Example of biased coin flips?
- Minimizing free energy of a subsystem is same as maximizing entropy of the whole system (with diagram)
- Aside: free energy landscapes and transition state theory of chemical reactions. Def'n of "states" in the free energy landscape.